PDF file of Past Officers
Local 20 Charter

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The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 20 was chartered on July 20, 1998. Our membership has grown to serve men & women throughout the Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex. Our goals and objectives at Local 20:
- to organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions;
- to promote reasonable methods of work;
- to cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry;
- to settle all disputes between employers and employees;
- to assist each other in sickness or distress;
- to secure employment;
- to reduce the hours of daily labor;
- to secure adequate pay for our work;
- to seek a higher and higher standard of living;
- to seek security for the individual;
- and by legal and proper means to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has set the highest standards for the electrical industry. Non-union employers consistently pay lower wages and less or no additional benefits to their employees. I.B.E.W. locals have health and welfare plans with dependent coverage. These plans are available after you fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements. Most I.B.E.W. locals have one or more separate and distinct pension plans with eligibility running concurrently.
There are two International pension plans that augment the Local plan or plans. These plans are in addition to social security. While working away from home, as an I.B.E.W. electrician, wherever you work in the U.S. you are entitled to reciprocity of your earned benefits. This means your benefits will be transferred to your home local upon your request. As a union electrician you have access to working for thousands union contractors in California, plus thousands more throughout the U.S. and Canada. All these Benefits belong to YOU and Your Family.